Which is the government's Phone Number List greatest fear, to the point of qualifying it as the "conspiracy triumvirate." Present in this dynamic is the -cleavage and the reading of certain sectors of and the Democratic Left that any loss of the government would be a gain for . This discourse makes it possible to legitimize anything and functions as a red line Phone Number List that prevents the construction of a new anti- or post-neoliberal political and discursive field. A confluent or articulated strategy is not yet seen, nor elements that allow us to foresee the Phone Number List construction of a programmatic opposition. And in this mismatch lies the greatest strength of Lasso and the neoliberal bloc.
The second scenario will be in the Phone Number List streets due to the challenge of the economic agenda, the budget cuts and the labor counter-reform. The overwhelming action of the mass media has been aimed at minimizing the Pandora Papers case and stigmatizing social protest as terrorism. It is a framework of Phone Number List social war and internal enemy that, in addition to closing effective conditions for dialogue and debate beyond the between those who think alike), weakens politics and the institutions of democratic debate. The mobilization is currently Phone Number List suspended, but it is foreseeable that there will be new measurements of forces if the internal enemy format persists.
The times of social mobilization are usually Phone Number List different from those of political emergencies, but the country's history is full of social outbursts that have ended in one fell swoop with indolent rulers. There is already a list of demands Phone Number List on budget reductions, rights violations and privatizations underway. The third scenario is more general and has to do with governability and the spillover of conflicts. The question is what is Phone Number List the political muscle that the.